Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Sam has become a messy eater. Can't somebody teach the kid some manners? Actually his problem is that ever since he tasted his Grandpa Dwight and Uncle Cody's delicious Thanksgiving meal he has not wanted anything to do with Baby food. Apparently baby food has been deemed for the birds. So, I just chop up anything we eat that he can either gum or sort of chew with his 4 little teeth and he goes to town! He loves it. But it is very Messy. Here are some pics of Sammy eating one of his new favorite snacks, the teething biscuit. These are probably the messiest snack known to the toddlers of the world. I mean really messy. By the end of this snack it is usually in his hair, ears, neck, and every fold of his upper body. He usually only gets these on bath days. That kind of messy!

The Polar Express, better known as "Choo-Choo" Movie, has become the new favorite here. Alex wants to watch it all the time. And when it finishes he wants to start it again. ("'Gain, 'gain!"is heard between the tears as the tv is turned off!) Alex knows many of the lines he can say along with the Conductor like "All aboard!", "the North Pole" etc. (The Alex version of those words anyway!) We all love the Hot Chocolate song, but Alex especially loves to dance to the Polar Express song closer to the end of the movie.


Grandpa and Grams said...

Thats my boy. He gets those move's from his grandpa.

Grandpa and Grams said...

I like your new header for your blog. Sounds like Sammy has a taste for fine food.