Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Very Silly Belated Birthday Video for Josh!
Sorry, I forgot to post this video on your birthday, Josh, but we did take it the day before and remembered that you turned 3 years old!! Wow! The big 3! We are also sorry about all the nose picking in the video. Alex has been very, very silly in front of the camera lately. He doesn't want to look at the camera (you'll notice he keeps trying to see the Today show playing on the tv) and does silly stuff when we try to get him on tape. Oh, well. He's a boy just like you so you'll understand!! We might even try to get him to say hi and happy bday to you again since he can say it so much better than he could 2 weeks ago. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY! WE MISS YOU!
Posted by The Coons at 2:10 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Waiting Out the Storm
Posted by The Coons at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Few Days in Iowa
Well, the boys and I flew the coop for a few days and drove to Iowa again. It seems as though the trip gets shorter each time we drive it. Anyway, Ryan has to be at church half of the nights of the week for contata practice so we thought this was the perfect time to go to mom's for a few days. So far it has been too cold outside for Alex to spend much time playing out there. Today it was a chilly 6 degrees when the boy ventured outside to help Pa (as he calls dad) shovel the driveway for a whole 15 min. That's as long as I would let him stay out in this weather. He had a blast, and Sam watched from the window longingly. Poor Sam, but it is much to cold for him to be out there. Maybe if it warms up...A mini man with a mini shovel.
Please, mommy, let me come out!
This pic was taken after he figured out that he could throw the snow onto his head with his own shovel!
Happy boy, though he must stay inside.
Posted by The Coons at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Sam has become a messy eater. Can't somebody teach the kid some manners? Actually his problem is that ever since he tasted his Grandpa Dwight and Uncle Cody's delicious Thanksgiving meal he has not wanted anything to do with Baby food. Apparently baby food has been deemed for the birds. So, I just chop up anything we eat that he can either gum or sort of chew with his 4 little teeth and he goes to town! He loves it. But it is very Messy. Here are some pics of Sammy eating one of his new favorite snacks, the teething biscuit. These are probably the messiest snack known to the toddlers of the world. I mean really messy. By the end of this snack it is usually in his hair, ears, neck, and every fold of his upper body. He usually only gets these on bath days. That kind of messy!
The Polar Express, better known as "Choo-Choo" Movie, has become the new favorite here. Alex wants to watch it all the time. And when it finishes he wants to start it again. ("'Gain, 'gain!"is heard between the tears as the tv is turned off!) Alex knows many of the lines he can say along with the Conductor like "All aboard!", "the North Pole" etc. (The Alex version of those words anyway!) We all love the Hot Chocolate song, but Alex especially loves to dance to the Polar Express song closer to the end of the movie.
Posted by The Coons at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
Sam's 9 Month Photo Shoot
Poor Sam has to suffer from my "Second Child Syndrome," evidenced by the fact that his nine month photos were taken 4 days after he turned 10 months!! But, though I was late in getting it done I was determined to do it, so we went last night. I really wanted a pic of the two boys together, if we could get them to sit still long enough. So I picked out clothes for Ryan and I that coordinated with the boys in case we needed to sit with them to get them to stay put! And then I thought, well if we are going to be dressed for it we might as well get a family pic done as well! So, Sammy then had to share his photo shoot with the whole fam!! I don't think he cared. The boys did really well. We got several good shots--and only had to make minor fools of ourselves getting them to look at the camera! I wasn't completely thrilled with the camera lady. I kept asking her for more casual and updated poses and she kept putting us in the same traditional pose. And she had a real problem getting the picture centered. Oh, well. I am just glad to have pictures where everyone is looking at the camera and even smiling!! And yes, Grandparents, I did get the CD of the photos so that we can make you whatever copies you want of whichever poses you like best.
Posted by The Coons at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Pancakes for Breakfast Are Well Worth the Effort!
Alex waiting patiently--with the help of the Disney Channel and his blankies!
Sammy not waiting so patiently--about to pull all of the diapers and pull-ups out of the cupboard.Lick-your-lips good!
Sam can now finish off a whole pancake without a problem!
This boy has been known to inhale 2 adult sized pancakes in about 5 min.!
The "my belly is full" look!
This one gets sleepy on a full belly...but just give him a few minutes and he'll catch his second wind!
This was right before he said, "Mmmm, that's good!" So cute!
Posted by The Coons at 12:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Let it Snow!
Posted by The Coons at 10:22 AM 2 comments