Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh, So Sam

Well, Sam has his 9 month check up yesterday and was proclaimed healthy and strong! He is now 23lbs. and 31.5in. (that's in the 90th percentile for his weight and the 100th percentile for his height.) He's been growing like a weed! Here are some of the big things going on in Sammy's little world lately:

1. Sam is trying all kinds of new foods. This morning he ate half a pancake (yes, mommy puts a dab of syrup on it. duh. who likes dry pancakes!) and a slice of peach. He also loves bananas and teether biscuits--very, very messy.

2. He's not walking yet, but we give it a matter of mere weeks. He cruises along the furniture really quickly now and lets go to see how long he can balance all the time. Now he just has to get brave enough to take the first step.

3. He loves the bathroom. If the door is left open he bolts for it. He would love to spend hours in there playing in the toilet or tub or cupboards if mommy would let him.

4. Sam has the same LOVE for baths as his older brother. As soon as the bath water starts running he starts to almost shake from excitement. And oh the tears when the water is gone!

5. Sam already thinks brother is the best of the best. He watches Alex's every move and wants to be by him all the time--if only the feelings were mutual more of the time....:-)

6. From the majority of the pictures above you might think the child never wears clothes---of course he does, but he fights tooth and nail when you put them on him. And he LOVES it when he has no clothes on. He laughs and crawls around all excited! I'm worried that he may be my toddler who routinely strips and streaks....

7. He has started bee-boppin' to music. So cute.

8. Sam is cuddly. When I get him from his crib in the morning he buries his head in my shoulder and snuggles.

9. Sam plays by himself really well. One toy can entertain him for hours.

10. He is already as much "all boy" as his brother. For instance, if Ryan gets down on the floor to play or wrestle with Alex, Sam will jump right in. He crawls up on Ryan with no fear. He wants in on all the guy action. He also already knows that you are supposed to take toy cars and move them back and forth on the ground. It's All Boy at our house!


Grandpa and Grams said...

My Sammy is sooo cute and what a boy. Grams thinks your the BEST, well the 2 boys are pretty great too.
Love, Grams P.S. Can't wait till I see you Saturday:):):)

Unknown said...

You better be careful. Josh "furniture walked" forever, as you probably remember, and finally decided to do the real thing the day I discovered Noah was coming! WATCH OUT!