Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Alex's Antics

Here's a little update on the Alex boy. He is now 2 years and 4 months old. He is so tall that he is often mistaken for a 3 or 4 year old. Alwx is, how do I say this...a very passionate being! He is either very very happy or very sad. It's all black and white with Alex. He has a huge smile that reaches all the way to his dark eyes. He is a joy to our family and we are glad God gave him to us! Here are a few of the big things in the little man's life lately:

1. He just started using the potty and has had 4 successes already! With our crazy schedule we are taking a pretty relaxed approach, but so far so good! He wears pull-ups and especially loves the night-time ones with Woody and Buzz on them.

2. He knows the entire alphabet and the numbers 1-10 in and out of order. When we go to Walmart he spends most of the time pointing out letters and numbers and is now really into "reading" books again.

3. His favorite foods are tomato soup ("suuuu"), peas ("pea-a-peas"), french fries ("ffffriiiiies"), apples ("a-peeee"), peaches ("peacheeez"), and cheese puffs ("pufffffff").

4. He says many of his words like this: car- "car-a-car", or slide- "slide-a-slide"

5. He loves to show off how fast he can run and with run around the house yelling "go, go, go"

6. His new favorite movie is Polar Express, better known to him as "choo-choo" movie

7. He has a little Disney Cars cell phone on which he has entire conversations. He even takes pictures of himself by turning it around, pushing the button, and saying "cheese!"

8. He loves to color, paint, do stickers, use playdough, use glue, and anything else crafty he can get his hands on.

9. He loves all physical activity. He never stops running, climbing, jumping, playing, from the second he wakes up until the minute he goes to bed. oh, or talking either.

10. He is all boy all the time. Here is a story to illustrate: We were outside and there was a little bug on the arm of the swing. He is fascinated with bugs right now so he was watching it and pointing and telling me "bug-a-bug!" with his little voice that sounds so cute and sweet. I was enjoying the nice moment of the wonder of a sweet toddler when he pounded down on the bug with his fist and looked at me with this face of "well, he's a gonner." All Boy to the core.


Grandpa and Grams said...

That's my little man:)
Grams Loves Ya:):)