Friday, March 28, 2008

The Many Faces of Sam

Ryan and I love this smile best. It's his crooked smile--usually just the left side of his mouth smiles, and it's so cute.

You know every colicky baby there is a different solution, and almost anything and everything has been suggested to us from garlic oil to hot water bottles to long rides in the car. There are three things that we have found that seem to be helping Sam--and it only took us 8 weeks to figure it out!! 1. Gripe Water, an herbal remedy to help soothe the stomach. 2. Changing his feeding schedule from eating at 4, 7, & 10pm to 5, 8, & 11pm. and 3. Running water! Yep, if he's really worked up I just go start a load of laundry or turn on the shower. 75% of the time he calms down right away! Weird, but you get to the point that it doesn't matter--you'd juggle vicious man-eating piranhas with your bare hands if the crying would only stop!! Thankfully God has been showing us that there is light at the end of the colicky tunnel and is easing some of Sam's discomfort.

Well, gotta go. We are having the seniors from the youth group over to our house for pizza for lunch today, and I have "a few" things to do to get everything ready! Also, Ryan has his first youth activity tonight that he is in charge of and giving the devotional for. Please keep it in your prayers if you would. We are hoping some new kids from the community would come. Have a Great Weekend!


christina said...

juggle man-eating piranhas! hahahaha!!! love it. that's clasic.