Wednesday, May 23, 2007

8 Random/Weird Things

Ok, so I was tagged yesterday by Adrianna Sherf on her blog to list 8 random/weird things about myself here on my blog. I know what you're probably thinking..."but, Jess, you're so normal! How can there possibly be even 8 things you could list???" Actually, Ryan and I have been aware of our own personal weirdness for a long time now. We often will do or say something weird and look at Alex and apologize to him for passing on our weird genes. We hope he will be able to overcome the weirdness and possibly even turn out half-way normal! That said, I hope it won't totally shock you to find out that I was able to squeeze out 8 random/weird things to list!

1. In college I won a prize for saying the alphabet backward the fastest.
2. I love salt & vinegar potato chips and blue moon ice cream (not necessarily together).
3. I will iron a t-shirt and jeans as opposed to wearing wrinkly clothes.
4. I have never parallel parked in my life
5. In Jr. High I could play the entire 1st level of the Super Mario Bros. Nintendo game with my toes.
6. I have been student, teacher, secretary, and administrator of a school.
7. I can wiggle my ears.
8. Over the past few years I have read over 150 novels without turning a page--I listen to books on tape while I do dishes, fold laundry, take walks, etc. So, if you ever see me walking down the street with these great big headphones on it's because I haven't found any nice little ones that will fit in my Walkman. Yes, I said Walkman. And FYI if your Walkman ever breaks and you need a new one don't go asking for one at Best Buy. The little 16yr old that works there will first look at you like you have three heads and then when you explain to him what a Walkman is he will laugh. I know. I did it. Ok, back to the subject, my fact #8 is that I listen to books on tape--with a Walkman.


Grandpa and Grams said...

Just to make one thing clear, Jessica did not get any weird things from her father or I because we are so very very normal. This all happen after she married Ryan:)

Tfipps said...

Okay...I was definitely laughing outloud at your weirdness...that's probably why we both laughed so much that summer at PV...we're both pretty weird! Although, there were plenty of other weird people there to make us laugh too!

christina said...

blue moon rocks!!!

My Middle Age Moments said...

I LOVE blue moon...great now I miss that too :) You aren't weird!!