Friday, July 16, 2010

A Little Look at Charlie

I just realized that I never put any of Charlie's birth info on the last post. Well, here are his stats: born on 7-6-10 at 8:04am. C-section went smoothly for both of us. He was 8lbs 9oz, and 21 in long (same weight and just 1/2 in longer than his brother Sam). He let out some good cries when the doctors were doing their checks of him! He got an 8 and a 9 (out of 10pts) on his APGAR tests. He calmed down pretty quickly and has been a calm baby ever since. He is a great sleeper, already doing 4 hour stretches at night! He is very content to eat, watch the world, and sleep. Charlie's brothers love on him already and have been very sweet to him. Sammy says "I see a baby!' every time he looks his way and even enjoys holding him for a few seconds. Alex has been a great helper to baby brother, even trying to comfort him when he cries. He LOVES to hold baby Charlie and thinks he is "A cute baby!" and says "Baby Charlie and Sammy are my best friends!" We are all loving having baby Charlie in our family now!