Friday, May 07, 2010

Summer Buzz Cuts

Well, we've done it. We've buzzed the boys for the summer! I was hesitant about doing Sammy's, but Ryan put his foot down. I do like it, but I really hope his wavy locks do come back in the fall!! It will make haircuts easier this summer and the boys like the feel of it. They just look soooooo grown up now--when did my babies grow up so fast???

Oh, and here's a recap on the germies around here. Ryan is fully recovered and feeling fine. Alex is also fully recovered and (though he threw up 20 times last week) he is asking for food every 30 min so we know he is back to normal!! I thought that I might be catching the respiratory part of the virus a few days ago, but Praise God it seems to be skimming over me. Sam got pretty bad last Saturday and is still dealing with the cough, though he's not letting it bother him too very much. He is on antibiotics and a nebulizer breathing treatment 3 times a day and that is really helping him. Thanks for your prayers, we seem to be finally getting better!


Grandpa and Grams said...

Nothing will show a mother how fast her babies are growing into young men than that "buzz cut".