Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Madison County Fair

This was our first year to go to the fair as a family. The boys were in love with it. They loved the cows. They loved the petting zoo. They loved the model trains. They loved the children's fun room. They loved the ferris wheel. The only thing they didn't love was leaving!
Sam really, really tried to get a hold of one of these goats. Poor thing, he actually grabbed it's lips one time!
Alex kept getting nose-to-nose with these little goats--it was hilarious!

This goat was trying to make friends with us since we had a little cup of food pellets!
The view from the ferris wheel of the fields west of the fairgrounds

the carnival in all it's tacky fun! Alex begged to go on every ride!

Sam just sat back and enjoyed the ride. He was pretty tired by this point and just relaxed in my lap. Ryan and I were a little nervous about whether or not the boys would be scared so high up in the air, but they weren't at all.
Alex loved the ferris wheel. We heard lots of oohs and ahhs from him. He loved it so much, in fact, that for the next several mornings first thing when he woke up he asked me, "I go on Ferris Wheel today? Big Boy?"


Grandpa and Grams said...

How come evrytime I am away from them for just a couple weeks they look so big. I miss my guys and lok forward toseeing them soon.