Friday, May 15, 2009

Fun in the Sprinkler

Sam was immediately intrigued by the sprinkler. He is our brave one and wanted to go figure it out right away.

Alex, the suspicious one, was a little nervous and kept his distance until the very end when I held his hand and helped him run in the water!

Sam stood about 2 feet from the sprinkler and just let it soak him. He barely moved, just stood there trying to catch the water and staring at it! That little brain is always working!

Alex prefers to watch from a distance, still, though he cheers Sammy on!


Grandpa and Grams said...

Well boys Grams is going to have to buy a sprinkler that you can play in when you get here.

Unknown said...

Sounds like Josh and Noah might be the same! Go, Sammy!